Sunnybank WMC SUNNYBANK WMC TOOWOOMBA (Chinese) Email0421 708 804地址 (Address): Sunnybank Church of Christ 105 Station Rd Sunnybank 牧师 (Pastor): Rev. David (Shenzhen) Zhang 服务时间 (Service Time): 3:00pm 办公时间 (Office Hours): 地址 (Address): 461 Hume Street Kearney Spring, 4350 (At the Humeridge Church of Christ) 牧师 (Pastor): Rev. Kiat Hock Yap 服务时间 (Service Times): 11:30am 办公时间 (Office Hours): Tuesday to Friday, 9:00-15:00 (Contact via email outside of these hours) Email0497 535 419 < Back to South Queensland Churches Deb2023-10-30T16:36:56+10:00