‘It’s Impossible So We are Going’

“It’s impossible so we are going,” was Aryanne’s motto as she travelled churches in Brazil. She was raising awareness and money for a missions team to Mozambique. Being both Portuguese speaking countries, one was asking for help the other was willing to go. God provided and the team of 18 went. And Aryanna stayed on for 6 months to minister. The Brazilian Wesleyan church has appointed Aryanne as their national missions director and they are recruiting training and sending missionaries across the globe.
Missionary receiving countries are now becoming Missionary sending countries. And many are finding it easier to make an impact as the cultural and political issues of western missionary are removed. Everywhere to Everywhere’ was the motto of this summit in St Louis as Wesleyan mission leaders from across the globe that met in May 2022.

Felix told how the Wesleyan church in Ghana has been working with the Wesleyan church in Haiti to send missionaries to Burkino Faso. All French speaking countries although Haiti is on the other side of the globe!

From the Congo we heard of the ‘Wesleyan Missionary Institute for Africa and the Caribbean’ as they plan to train 100 missionaries before 2030 for french speaking countries!! ‘We don’t want to train pastors we want to train missionaries’.
The Congolese have recently planted a church amongst the remote Pygmy tribe who are in turn working to plant a church.
Luis animatedly told the forum about the land that has been acquired near the boarders of Columbia, Peru and Brazil, to set up a missionary training camp for those they want to train and sent from these and other surrounding countries. These are all former Wesleyan missionary receiving countries that are rapidly becoming missionary sending countries.
‘It was a privilege to be a part of the team as we worked on ways to grow these strategic partnerships across the Wesleyan Globe.’
Dallas Thomas
National Director WWM Australia


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