Challenging Times require Change

With the current rapidly changing situation due to the COVID-19 David Collins is returning to Australia this weekend (March 22nd 2020). As international flights finish up and Australian borders are closing down, this has been a difficult but necessary decision.

English classes have just finished and Hine Woods the teacher is also returning to Australia.

David will self-isolate for 2 weeks as required in Maryborough and will work on curriculum development whilst he remains in Australia.

The training centre in Noro Solomon Islands will remain functioning with one on one classes and tutoring being conducted by Rev. Richard Soto.  Richard will also be working on further developing the current curriculum into a more Melanesian context.

The facilities will be well looked after by Marcus and Jason as they continue to do general maintenance and repairs.  At the moment that includes fixing termite damaged buildings and clearing up the site and foreshore.

N.S. Rev. George Velopide will remain onsite for the time being.

Any other travel to the Solomons for AWSOM trips are being put on hold until further advice from the authorities.

Please pray for David as he transitions through this time and for the ongoing work at the training centre.

Maintaining our financial support for this ministry is crucial at this time and your continued prayers and financial support are encouraged during the coming months.



For any questions  please make contact or call Dallas Thomas on 0424223333

David driving boat
Richard Teaching
Jason and Marcus
George and Emma